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Is it normal for babies to not like tummy time?

We hear it all the time. My baby doesn't like tummy time. There are so many reasons this could be the case. However, don't worry. We are here to help. Let's start with some tips and tricks. Doing tummy time on the floor may be too hard for your baby, but don't fear, there are other ways to make to work on tummy time. I bet your baby will even enjoy tummy time! If tummy time flat on the floor is making your baby cry, try rolling a blanket and putting it under your baby's chest. This takes some pressure off and makes tummy time a little easier. However, sometimes this is still too hard. Don't worry, we can break it down again! Let's try having the baby lay on your chest and laying down. This way your baby can see your face and has more support. Oh no, my baby is still upset. That's ok, this may still be too difficult. You can try holding your baby while you are slightly reclined in sitting. I'd say try sitting reclined at 45 degrees. You might have to play with it and start closer to 10 degrees reclined and progress all the way to floor tummy time. We hope this helps! If you still feel lost please don't hesitate to call us at 208-428-6079.


Empowering Pediatrics Through Intensive Physical Therapy

Introduction: Physical therapy plays a vital role in the healthcare of pediatric patients, enabling them to overcome physical challenges, improve their functional abilities, and enhance their overall quality of life. Intensive physical therapy, in particular, offers a comprehensive and targeted approach to address the unique needs of children with various conditions. In this blog, we will explore the significance of intensive physical therapy for pediatrics and how it positively impacts their development and well-being.

Understanding Intensive Physical Therapy: Intensive physical therapy involves a focused and concentrated treatment approach that provides children with more frequent and intensive therapy sessions. This form of therapy is often recommended for children with complex conditions, significant impairments, or those requiring accelerated progress. Unlike traditional physical therapy, which typically involves weekly sessions, intensive physical therapy aims to maximize therapeutic gains through frequent and longer sessions.

Benefits of Intensive Physical Therapy for Pediatrics:

  1. Accelerated Progress: Intensive physical therapy facilitates accelerated progress by providing increased treatment frequency. More frequent sessions allow therapists to target specific goals, resulting in faster improvements in motor skills, strength, coordination, and overall functional abilities.

  2. Enhanced Neuroplasticity: The developing brain of a child is highly adaptable and capable of forming new neural connections. Intensive physical therapy optimizes neuroplasticity by stimulating repetitive and task-specific exercises, helping the brain rewire and reorganize itself to improve motor function and mobility.

  3. Individualized Treatment Plans: Intensive therapy allows therapists to create tailored treatment plans that address the unique needs and abilities of each child. By closely monitoring progress and making adjustments as necessary, therapists can optimize the therapy experience and outcomes.

  4. Improved Independence and Participation: Intensive physical therapy empowers children to become more independent and actively participate in daily activities. By targeting specific skills required for activities like walking, climbing stairs, dressing, and self-care, children can develop greater confidence and autonomy.

  5. Holistic Approach: Intensive physical therapy goes beyond improving physical function. It takes a holistic approach to address emotional, social, and cognitive aspects of a child's development. Therapists work collaboratively with the child's family and caregivers to ensure comprehensive support, providing strategies to promote overall well-being.

  6. Early Intervention: Early initiation of intensive physical therapy can have a profound impact on a child's long-term development. By identifying and addressing issues at an early stage, therapy can help prevent secondary complications, optimize outcomes, and minimize the need for invasive interventions.

  7. Collaborative Care: Intensive physical therapy involves a multidisciplinary approach, with therapists working closely with other healthcare professionals, such as occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and doctors. This collaboration ensures that all aspects of a child's care are coordinated and integrated for the best possible outcomes.

Conclusion: Intensive physical therapy offers a powerful tool to support the growth, development, and overall well-being of pediatric patients. By providing focused and targeted interventions, it enables children to achieve their full potential and overcome physical challenges. The benefits of intensive physical therapy extend beyond improving physical function, positively impacting a child's independence, self-esteem, and overall quality of life. Through collaborative and individualized care, intensive physical therapy paves the way for a brighter future for children facing various conditions, allowing them to thrive and reach their milestones. If you have any questions we'd love to chat. Feel free to call us at 208-428-6079.

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