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Is it normal for babies to not like tummy time?

We hear it all the time. My baby doesn't like tummy time. There are so many reasons this could be the case. However, don't worry. We are here to help. Let's start with some tips and tricks. Doing tummy time on the floor may be too hard for your baby, but don't fear, there are other ways to make to work on tummy time. I bet your baby will even enjoy tummy time! If tummy time flat on the floor is making your baby cry, try rolling a blanket and putting it under your baby's chest. This takes some pressure off and makes tummy time a little easier. However, sometimes this is still too hard. Don't worry, we can break it down again! Let's try having the baby lay on your chest and laying down. This way your baby can see your face and has more support. Oh no, my baby is still upset. That's ok, this may still be too difficult. You can try holding your baby while you are slightly reclined in sitting. I'd say try sitting reclined at 45 degrees. You might have to play with it and start closer to 10 degrees reclined and progress all the way to floor tummy time. We hope this helps! If you still feel lost please don't hesitate to call us at 208-428-6079.

Writer's pictureChrystal Browning

Harnessing Neuroplasticity: The Dynamic Duo of Physical Therapy


In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the concept of neuroplasticity has emerged as a groundbreaking force in understanding the brain's remarkable ability to adapt and reorganize itself. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's capacity to form new neural connections, reorganize existing ones, and adapt to various stimuli. In the realm of physical therapy, this phenomenon plays a pivotal role in enhancing rehabilitation outcomes and optimizing the recovery process.

Understanding Neuroplasticity:

The human brain, once thought to be a static organ with fixed neural pathways, is now recognized as a dynamic and adaptive structure. Neuroplasticity occurs at both the microscopic and macroscopic levels, influencing the brain's structure and function. This adaptability is crucial in the context of physical therapy, where the goal is to facilitate recovery and improve functional abilities.

Neuroplasticity and Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy is a specialized field that focuses on restoring and maximizing physical function, often following injury, illness, or surgery. The integration of neuroplasticity principles into physical therapy has transformed traditional rehabilitation approaches, offering new hope and possibilities for patients.

  1. Targeted Exercise and Repetition:

  2. Sensory Stimulation:

  3. Task-Specific Training:

  4. Adaptive Technology:


The marriage of neuroplasticity and physical therapy represents a revolutionary approach to rehabilitation. By understanding and harnessing the brain's ability to adapt, physical therapists empower individuals to overcome physical challenges and regain independence. As research continues to unveil the intricacies of neuroplasticity, the future holds exciting possibilities for refining and expanding the role of physical therapy in promoting neural recovery and overall well-being.

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